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Big Real Estate Portals Are Courting Buyers with New Technology and Zillow Group have announce big plans to engage buyers with similar technologies in 2017. I have written many of my blogs saying every listing regardless of it’s selling price requires great pictures by a professional photographer. Look at what Truia (part of Zillow Group) just announced..REALTORS, PUT DOWN THE SMARTPHONE.

Trulia’s image-recognition technology

Deep Varma, vice president of data engineering at Trulia, provided insight into Trulia’s ongoing use of image-recognition technology to enhance homebuyers’ online search experience.

Deep Varma

“We have trained our machines to look into photos and understand its contents,” such as kitchens, bathrooms and materials, he explained.

By combining this technology with web analytics, Trulia can identify the most attractive listing photos and present them first in the photo galleries of listings, reducing the likelihood that homebuyers might prematurely dismiss some listings.

Similarly, Trulia can analyze a specific user’s search activity and engagement to guide users toward listings that closely match their preferences, he said.

Read Full Article in Inman News

Jon ShoweBig Real Estate Portals Are Courting Buyers with New Technology